East Mount Zion front



History Of East Mt. Zion

The birth of East Mount Zion began in 1908-1910 in the Wigwam on Cedar Avenue and East 100th Street with visiting Ministers. The early ministers of Frank Avenue Church were Rev. Holly, Rev Hill, Rev. Thompson, Rev. Paige and Rev B. K. Smith. East Mount Zion moved Frank to Cedar Avenue and 103rd Street in 1923 under the leadership of Rev. B. K. Smith. After Rev. B. K. Smith retired and Dr. Ernest Hall became pastor, things changed rapidly. In the second or third year of his pastorate the basement of the church was enlarged. Six rooms on the 103rd Street side, one on the Cedar side and a large assembly room was put under the main auditorium of the church. East Mount Zion moved into its present location at 9990 Euclid Avenue in November, 1955, under the pastorate of the late Rev. William M. Downs. At this time was a membership of 1500 to 2000. The Purchase price of the property was $125,000.00, which was paid off in three years. In 1963 the Parking lot across the street from the church was purchased at a price of $55,000.00, which was paid off in two years. East Mt. Zion is considered by the City of Cleveland a landmark. East Mount Zion was without a shepherd for more than a year. Then God sent us Pastor A. Charles Bowie. Pastor begun working to achieve total unity. He organized the Administrative Council in which all groups and auxiliaries are represented. The Administrative council. Unity of thought and Purpose was evident in the initiation of other new groups:

  • Orientation Class
  • Brotherhood
  • Saturday Youth Worship
  • Children’s Choir

This leadership is still evident from 1977 to present date.


Our Mission

We want to welcome you to East Mount Zion Baptist Church, where you find people who worship Jesus and are passionate about spreading His Word. Salvation is a gift that you can find in Jesus by following the mission that is established in our church: it’s simple and wonderful, and brings His Kingdom all over the world.

About US

Chronological History and Ministerial Contributions

  • 1908 Wigwam-Cedar Avenue and East 100 Street- Visiting Ministers
  • 1908 – 1910 First Church – Colonial Court and Frank Avenue.-Rev. C.D. Holly
  • 1910 – 1911 Completion of the church. – Rev. Hill
  • 1911 – 1914 Decorated sanctuary – Rev J. E. Thompson
  • 1914 – 1916 Completed Sunday School Department – Washington Page
  • 1916 – 1925 Congregation moved to East 104th and Cedar – Rev Benjamin K. Smith
  • 1925 – 1939 Mortgage was burned and the Sunday School Department modernized – Rev. Ernest Hall
  • 1939 – 1976 Brought congregation to East 100 Street and Euclid Avenue on December 12, 1955 and Burned the mortgage – Rev. Williams Downs
  • 1977 – Present Rev. A. Charles Bowie – Added the Educational Wing to reach the world through every means possible and so fulfill the mandate of disciple all nations.

Don’t Let "IT" Discourage Your Reach

February 2 2025- by Rev. Brian A. Cash, Pastor

Ephesian 3:8-13

Although I am less than the least of all the Lord’s people, this grace was given me: to preach to the Gentiles the boundless riches of Christ, and to make plain to everyone the administration of this mystery, which for ages past was kept hidden in God, who created all things. 10 His intent was that now, through the church, the manifold wisdom of God should be made known to the rulers and authorities in the heavenly realms, 11 according to his eternal purpose that he accomplished in Christ Jesus our Lord. 12 In him and through faith in him we may approach God with freedom and confidence. 13 I ask you, therefore, not to be discouraged because of my sufferings for you, which are your glory.